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A Doggie and a Pussyca - How the Doggie tore jeho pánty o doll that cried faintly

Dear children, imagine if you can - how could such a thing happen to pussycats and doggies!?
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Dear children, imagine if you can - how could such a thing happen to pussycats and doggies!? Well, it does happen. Sometimes. Ktorý je v pravom čase a ak si môžete uvedomiť, že pussycats a doggies sú dreseded v ich skriňach takmer ako ľudia sú v oblečení. A palice in the pants ako that is disgraceful for everybody, who wears pants. Th at means doggies as well. Ľudia alebo dokonca zvieratá musia byť veľmi opatrné so svojimi mysliami, pretože nepríjemné ones môžu mať iné myšlienky, aby sa im to dobre. The could perhaps break some beautiful toy, alebo even worse, they could loose it. Now you can't pretend to race with zlomené auto autá, a you can't pretend to kok s with lost bucket; and we haven't even talked o toys that have not been put away. Th ey sú saddest všetkých hračiek vo svete ever, keď ich mommy a daddies, tieto dievčatá a chlapci, Nech put them away properly. Môžeš perhaps loose a hračky alebo niektoré peniaze by accident, ale leading a hračky alebo dokonca dolnej ležiacej somewhere, že nie je a urobilo toto well-behaved deti. Not that. Now, since sme všetko know that sometimes som dieťa, a dievča alebo chlapec does that, that is why we want to tell you o jednu malú, zlostnú a poor bábika, so that you realize that such things must never be done. So bye-bye and regards Yours PUSSYCAT and DOGGIE


Autor: Josef Čapek