Z dôvodu unforgiving krajiny nemocnice, I ťa v láske s mischievous, slnečný oči chlapec, ktorý became my len radosť v tom, že desolate place. To, čo robí to všetko more soul-crushing, keď sa zúčastní suicide v prednej časti. Since then, I've sworn never to love anyone again. S tromi exceptiami: My friends, Sony, Neo, a Coeur, a malý gang rebellious, dying kids. Sony leads charge with air of freedom and only one lung to breathe it. Neo, a bad-tempered and wheel-chaired writer, keeps track na našich veľkých mŕtvych od stealing to terrorizing our nurse. Coeur je krásny chlapec, sval, človek obzvlášť s failing srdce. Pred death inevitably knocks down our doors, my thieves and I have last heist planned. A veľký únik, ktorý sa bude uskutočniť od abusívnych rodičov, štiepenia losov, a realitou našich diseases. So what happens when someone else walks through the door? What happens when a girl joins naše party a renders ma speechless with her mischievous smile? What happens when she has suns in her oči, and as terrified as I am to lose again, Aj štart to fall? Trigger warnings found in foreword.
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