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American Girls

A New York Times Bestseller Instagram.
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A New York Times Bestseller Instagram. Whisper. Yik Yak. YouTube. Kik. Ask.fm . Tinder. Dominantnú formu v životoch dievčat, ktoré idú v America dnes aj s social media. What it is doing to entire generation of young women is subject of award-winning Vanity Fair writer Nancy Jo Sales s riveting and explosive American Girls. S extraordinary intimacy a precision, Sales captures what it feels like to be girl in America today.From Montclair to Manhattan a Los Angeles, z Florida a Arizona to Texas a Kentucky, Sales crisscrossed the country, speaking to more than t ages thirteen to nineteen, anddocumenting massive zmena v ceste dievčatá sú rastúce, a phenomenon že transcends race, geography, a household income . experiment of new kind of adolescence one dominated by new social and sexual normals, where a girl with first crushes and experiences longing and romance occur in accelerated electronic environment; where issues of identity and self-esteem are magnified and transformed by social platforms that provide instantaneous judgment. What does it mean to be a girl in America in 2016? It means vedú age online v hypersexualized kultúra, ktorá má normalizovaný extrémny behavior, z pornografie na casual exchange of nude photographs; a kultúra rife s vírusovou novou stranou sexizmu a sometimes self-undermining notion of feminist empowerment; a kultúra v ktorej teenagerov sú spending so mnou čas na technológii a sociálnych médií, ktoré nie sú rozvojové základné komunikačné skills. From beauty gurus to slut-shaming to a disconcerting trend exhibitionism, Nancy Jo Sales provides a šhocking okno do troubling world of today s teenage girls. Provokatívne a urgentné, American Girls je navrhnutý na ignite a mnoho-needed rozhovor o tom, ako môžeme pomôcť naše dcéry a sondy negotiate unprecedented nových challenges.&quot ;