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Nocturnal Animals - Austin Wright

The novel that inspired the 2016 major motion picture Nocturnal Animals, starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Amy Adams, je dazzling, eerie, riveting thriller of fear and regret, blood and revenge.
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Podrobný popis

Novel, ktorý inšpiroval v roku 2016 hlavnú jazdu na picture Nocturnal Animals, starring Jake Gyllenhaal a Amy Adams, je dazzling, éria, riveting thriller fear and regret, blood and revenge. Mnohé roky po ich divorcii, Susan Morrow receives a strange gift z jej ex-husband. Ukážka, že sa skladá z ťažkých trestných činov: o atmosfére na diaľnici, zoskupená kabína v lesoch; a thrilling chiller death and corruption. How could such a harrowing story be told by the človek she once loved? And why, after so long, has he sent jej such a disturbing and personal message…? Originally published ako Tony and Susan.


Autor: Austin Wright