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Snuff: (Discworld Novel 39)

Nový Discworld novel z master features popular Sam Vimes, vedúci mesta City Watch.Akcording to writer best-selling crime novel ever to má byť publikovaný v meste …
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Nový Discworld novel z master features popular Sam Vimes, vedúci mesta City Watch.Akcording to writer of best-selling crime novely na to, aby boli publikované v meste Ankh-Morpork, to je truth univerzálne acknowledged that a policajt taking a holiday would barely have had time to otvorený jeho kufor pred tým, ako sa jeho first corpse. And Commander Sam Vimes z Ankh-Morpork City Watch je na dovolenke v pleasant a innocent countryside, ale nie pre him a mere body v wardrobe. Sú to veľa, mnohé body a starobylé zločiny more terrible than murder.He is z jeho jurisdikcie, z jeho depth, z bacon sandwiches, a ocasionalne snookered a z jeho mind, ale never out of guile. Ktorý je to zločin, že musí byť finding, musí byť chase a musí byť dobre punishment . But not quite all.