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The First Binding - RR Virdi

Introducing Tales of Tremaine, štarting s breath-taking The First Binding.
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Introducing Tales of Tremaine, štarting s breath-taking The First Binding. Epic v scope, plnený s magickým, legendami a lies, tento je fantasy plnený s mythos v Južnej Ázii, ktoré reagujú na názov veternej lásky. Všetky legendy sú born of truths. And just as much lies. These are mine. Judge me for what you will. But you will hear my story first. Aj zbudoval dedinu Ampur pod horou ľadu a snehu. Then I killed their god. I'v stolien old magics and been cursed for it. Aj started a war with those that walked before mankind and lost the princess I loved, and wanted to save. I've called lightning and bound fire. Aj am legiend. And I am a monštier. My name aj s Ari. And this is the story of how Aj rokov loose the first evil. Tieto začínajú stôl storyteller a singer na behu a hoping do find obscurity v tavernom bare. Ale nie sú ich pasce a nie sú forgotten, a nie sú ich enemies. Tieto staré živé zvieratá chytia swiftly a tie ukazujú náklady na entire world. No one môže escape ich pasce a všetky skladby musia byť na konci.


Autor: R. R. Virdi