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Odosielame v pondelok 6.1. |
Môžu sa dostať do journalist, a to je skvele well underway s takmer polovicou miliónmi followers na jeho FlashFame app a upcoming internship at Buzzfeed. Ale jeho plány sú zničené, keď jeho pilot otca je vybraná pre vysokú publicizáciu NASA mission to Mars. Within days, Cal and his parents leave Brooklyn for hot and humid Houston. S vnútroštátnou národnosťou desperate pre všetky nové informácie o astronautoch, Cal finds himself thrust v strede a media circus. Suddenly jeho život je more ako a reality TV show, s jeho neustále bickering parents struggling with ich roles as "perfect American family." over heels - a fast.They become an oasis for each other amid the craziness of this whole experience. find a way to get to truth without hurting the people who have become most important to him.
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