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The loves i have lost - Alica Frühwaldová

This is story of a family affected by the atrocities of war.
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Podrobný popis

To je story of a rodiny affected by the atrocities of war. Ale also a story o belonging, bravery a nábehu ordinary people, ktoré selflessly help others in hard times. Zníženie depicting frenzy vojny, správa knihy je pozitívna, s obrazmi života pred a po vojne plne s láskou a kompasiou. Kniha je zhotovená s mnohými fotografiami a dokumentmi.

"War is perverse and we must finally learn to prevent it, uistite sa, že hotový s tragédiami it brings o." - Juraj
"My mam told me - I by som cry and I by sa dalo putovať do knihy until I finished it - and she was right.” - Jasmine
"No, this is not an ordinary story. You will not reach a miera mind until you read the book. And then not at all, either.” - Anna
"Oh my goodness! Your story is just incredible! Aj felt so many emotions: anger, sadness, joy and love.” - Mylena Ann
"My reading was slow, I admit. After a while Aj cried like a little boy. I couldn't control myself, I just couldn't." - Dušan
"You knihou je úplne triumf. Má byť čítané pre všetkých študentov v Slovakia. Je to fantastická kombinácia personalizovaných testov a historických faktov.” - Jonathan


Autor: Alica Frühwaldová