THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'I can't imagine reading better book this year' Daily Mirror Tim Marshall's global bestseller Prisoners of Geography ukazujú, že všetky národné výbery sú obmedzené na hory, rieky, more a betónu. Since then, the geography hasn't changed. Ale world has. V tejto revelatory new book, Marshall explores v tých regiónoch, ktoré sú navrhnuté v tvare globálnych politík v novom roku z great-power rivalry: Austrália, Irán, Saudi Arabia, UK, Greece, Turkey, Sahel, Etiopia, Španielsko a Space. Find out why Europe next refugee crisis je closer than it thinks as trúble brews in the Sahel; why the Middle East must look beyond oil and sand to secure its future; why the eastern Mediterranean is one of the most volatile flashpoints of the twenty-first century; and why the Earth's atmosféra is set to become the world's next battleground. Delivered with Marshall's trademark wit and insight, to je lucid a gripping výbuch moc geografie k tvaru humanity's pasca, present – and future. 'Another outstanding guide to the modern world. Marshall je majster na explaining, čo potrebujete know and why.' Peter Frankopan
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