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Silent Waters: the thriller to watch for in 2023

Pre fanúšikov Gillian McAllister a Lisa Jewella zmesi powerful a haunting noviel o rodine, secrets a murder.
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Pre fanúšikov Gillian McAllister a Lisa Jewell prinesie powerful a haunting noviel o rodine, secrets a murder.Is blood thicker than water ? jeden letný ráno, police diver Len Harper prechádza do find herself submerged in silt of river with no memory how she got there.Forty-eight hours later, she's called to dive in the same river in search of missing woman, Claudia Franklin.But for Len, this is no ordinary job. Her a Claudia rodiny sú zatvorené pre dekády - tam je neresolvedný prejav medzi tými, unspoken secrets . Alebo ste?PRAISE FOR SILENT WATERS:'Vy ste spellbound from the first SENTENCE ... Simply wonderful.&#039 ; - Jonathan Whitelaw'An utterly engrossing novel that will leave you as breathless as its characters!' - Sarah Lawton'A fascinating, neustále surprising mystery noviel, že puls you in like a hidden riptide and builds to a heart-pounding a hugely satisfying finale. A wonderful read!' - CM . Ewan'Propulsive and intricately plotted, Silent Waters je thriller to watch for in 2023.' - Ella King'A tightly plotted a skilfully rendered story s strong characters that jumped off the page. Beautifully claustrophobic.&#039 ; - Imran Mahmood'A compelling and atmospheric story toxické priateľstvá, tajomstvo a divided loyalties celý set popri competitive world of diving - loved it.&#039 ; - Catherine Cooper'Fiendishly clever, fascinating as hosťom plne realizovaných charakteristík, Silent Waters je jeden z mostov original a atmosférický thrillers I've ever read. Aj absolutely love LV . Matthews' writing - it always takes you by surprise.&#039 ; - Charlotte Duckworth'a police diver, thwarted Olympic dream, missing žena, a body in a watery grave. [...] A thrillingly múrky tale tainted lásky a betrayal, edge-of-the-jetty read. Aj dare you to jump in!' - Janice Hallett'Silent Waters is a brilliant, beautifully written thriller s unusual premise and šhocking twists. Aj loved it! Her best yet!' - Claire Douglas'A gripping intenzity na jednej strane, ktorá sa bude konať cez túto knihu!' - Lauren North'Beautifully píše, perfektne paced a absorbuje ako silné vody novely describes! Had me hooked from page one to the gripping finale.&#039 ; - GR Halliday'Silent Waters is dripping in menácie. An exhilarating and immersive look do vysoko competitívneho sveta ženskej diving. Delicious prose along with some heart-stopping twists and turns will keep you up all night. Aj loved it!' - Emily Freud'Haunting, visceral writing, a pulz-pounding plot, a characters you will take into your heart. Stunning.&#039 ; - Lizzy Barber'With a zločinecká časť z characters - some I loved to hate! - Aj thoroughly enjoyed this dip into the murky world of police diving. Utterly compelling.&#039 ; - Sam Holland'It moja less than 24 hours read this and I'm still reeling - so intense, so tangled, beautifully written and utterly, brilliantly claustrophobic.&#039 ; - Emma Christie' LV . Matthews has done it again with a truly dark and complex thriller that will have you gasping for breath.&#039 ; - Sophie Flynn'An originál, compelling foray do jedovatého sveta olympijského potápania, s Matthew's podpisu stunning characterisation and gripping plot. Silent Waters should be at the top of every crime/thriller lover's TBR next year.&#039 ; - Mira Shah'Terrific, memorable suspenzie písania, ktoré draws you in. Silent Waters is real up-all-night thriller.&#039 ; - BP Walter'I bol immediately obsessed with this brilliant, murky ale teplé story z hlbokých buried secrets a impossible choices. Gorgeously rea